A very warm welcome from myself and the Governing board. My name is Gavin Brown and I
am the Chair of Governors here at Oxley Primary. I have been a governor at Oxley since
2021 and was elected to the position of Chair in September 2022.
As a governing board, we are made up of elected parents and staff, a representative of the
local authority, and members of the local community. We work as a strategic team to
oversee the work of the Headteacher and senior team as they run the school. We seek to
provide both support and challenge. The day-to-day running and operational side of the
school is the responsibility of the senior leadership team; we as governors are here to do
three key things:
Our Governing Board is made up of:
Mr D Caldwell | Head Teacher | |
Mr G Brown | Chair of Governors | |
Mrs S Weaver | Community Governor (Vice Chair) | |
Mrs S Hart | Community Governor (Chair of FPP) | |
Mr A Perkins | Community Governor | |
Miss C Harcourt | Parent Governor | |
Mr J Burton | Staff Governor | |
Mrs L Woolcock* | Deputy Head Teacher | |
Mrs M Moran* | Clerk to the Governors | |
* No voting rights
As a full governing board we meet at least once a term. We also have a committee that
reports back to the full governing board on the more organisational aspects of running the
school. This is the FPP (finance, premises, and personnel) Committee.
We visit the school regularly with a focus on looking at our key priorities for the children.
This may involve attending assemblies, meeting with the senior leadership team,
interviewing pupils to gain their thoughts and opinions, carrying out monitoring activities,
and lots more. We also attend training sessions to help us develop our skills and knowledge
as governors. I and my fellow governors are very proud to be able to support and help the
school in this way.
If you wish to consider becoming a school governor at Oxley we do have vacancies from
time to time. Please feel free to contact me via the school office if you are interested in
finding out more.
Gavin Brown
Chair of Governors