In the Koalas’ Class we love to learn! We have a real emphasis on Phonics and
reading in year 1 and EYFS. The children have daily Phonics sessions, which are
interactive and exciting.
In Maths, we build on our number work. The children learn the foundations of place
value and addition and subtraction. Much of our learning is practical and follows a
mastery approach. As the children build in confidence, we progress onto reasoning
and problem-solving questions.
In the Koalas, we have a real push for independence and to demonstrate an “I can
attitude”. Therefore, the children are responsible for coming in on their own in the
mornings and putting their belongings away. They then start their independent
morning activities.
We are keen for the children to achieve autonomy over their learning. Therefore, the
children will have adult led teaching sessions and also independent learning time.
This is time in our continuous provision, where the children can choose their own
learning. The children can choose to learn inside the classroom or in our outdoor
provision. We have so much fun!
This year, our overarching themes will be: